BitLevelGPS Demo 1.0

Program Specifications

Download BitLevelGPS Demo
Version: 1.0
Size: 305 KB
Publisher: BitLevel Technology Limited
Date Added:
License [?]: Demoware
Operating System: Windows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows XP
Download Links: Download BitLevelGPS Demo
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Publisher's Description of BitLevelGPS Demo

" Decode NMEA-0183 GPS receiver navigation data. "
- From BitLevel Technology Limited

This program is a demo application for BitLevelGPS software library that provides a PC-based user application with access to a NMEA-183 compliant GPS receiver via a serial communications port. It provides navigational data update once per second, decoding NMEA sentences: $GPGGA (Global Positioning System Fix Data), $GPGSA (DOP and Active Satellites), $GPGSV (Satellites in View), $GPGLL (Geographic position), $GPRMC (Recommended Minimum Specific GNSS Data) and $GPVTG (Course over Ground and Ground Speed). Decoded parameters include: UTC time, date, position (lattitude, longitude), altitude, speed, course, heading and information about visible satellites. Applications include Navigation, Security, Telematics, Fleet Tracking and Asset Tracking. The library provides an interface over serial ports COM1 - COM8.

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BitLevelGPS   |  GPS   |  receiver   |  NMEA   |  183   |  global   |  positioning   |  serial   |  port   

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