Microsoft DirectX End-User Runtime (Web Installer) 9.29.1973

Program Specifications

Download Microsoft DirectX End-User Runtime (Web Installer)
Microsoft DirectX End-User Runtime (Web Installer) 9.29.1973
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Version: 9.29.1973
Size: 286 KB
Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
Date Added:
License [?]: Freeware
Operating System: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 2008, Windows 2003
Requirements: Internet connection during installation
Download Links: Download Microsoft DirectX End-User Runtime (Web Installer)
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Publisher's Description of Microsoft DirectX End-User Runtime (Web Installer)

" The core Windows technology that drives high-speed multimedia and games on the PC. Web setup version. "
- From Microsoft Corporation

The Microsoft DirectX End-User Runtime provides updates to 9.0c and previous versions of DirectX - the core Windows technology that drives high-speed multimedia and games on the PC.

Microsoft DirectX is a group of technologies designed to make Windows-based computers an ideal platform for running and displaying applications rich in multimedia elements such as full-color graphics, video, 3D animation, and rich audio. DirectX includes security and performance updates, along with many new features across all technologies, which can be accessed by applications using the DirectX APIs.

The DirectX end-user installation includes all the latest and previous released DirectX runtime. This includes the bi-monthly D3DX, XInput, and Managed DirectX components.

Additional Information

* The DirectX end-user installation includes the D3DX, HLSL Compiler, XInput, XAudio, and Managed DirectX 1.1 components.

* Note that the DirectX Runtime (Direct3D, DirectInput, DirectSound) is not part of this package as it is included as part of the Windows operating system, and therefore cannot be installed or uninstalled. Updating the DirectX Runtime is achieved by installing the latest Service Pack or obtaining a newer version of Windows.

* The DirectX End-User Runtimes installer contains all of the components installed by the Web Installer in a single package and is recommended for those users that DO NOT have an Internet connection during installation.

* The DirectX runtime cannot be uninstalled.

* Starting with the December 2006 SDK release, the redist no longer supports Win9x.

* Starting with the June 2010 SDK release, the redist no longer supports Windows 2000.

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