DllRegSvr 1.1

Program Specifications

Download DllRegSvr
Version: 1.1
Size: 218 KB
Publisher: Chestysoft
Date Added:
License [?]: Freeware
Operating System: Windows NT, Windows ME, Windows 98, Windows 95, Windows 2000
Download Links: Download DllRegSvr
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Publisher's Description of DllRegSvr

" Simple tool to register ActiveX dll & ocx files with a Windows interface. "
- From Chestysoft

This is a simple tool for registering ActiveX dll and ocx controls. It uses a Windows interface so it is quicker and easier than working at the command prompt.

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activex   |  registration   |  dll   |  server   |  com   |  object   |  regsvr32   |  registry   |  ocx   |  control   

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