Xml2PDF Workstation 2.5

Program Specifications

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Xml2PDF Workstation 2.5
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Version: 2.5
Size: 2.29 MB
Publisher: Altsoft
Date Added:
License [?]: Shareware (USD$49.00 to buy)
Operating System: Windows XP, Windows NT, Windows ME, Windows 98, Windows 2003, Windows 2000
Requirements: Microsoft .NET Framework
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Publisher's Description of Xml2PDF Workstation

" XSL-FO, SVG, XHTML and WordML to PDF formatting engine. "
- From Altsoft

Xml2PDF Workstation is a client application for converting XSL-FO, SVG, XHTML and WordML files to PDF. It is based on Altsoft Xml2PDF .NET API formatting engine and brings its power to the desktop of your personal computer. Xml2PDF provides the user-friendly interface for validating and formatting XSL-FO, SVG or XHTML files. It takes either one of the supported XML formats or XML document together with XSL Transformation as an input and generates a PDF file as an output reporting all warning and errors it encountered.

Xml2PDF Workstation is distributed together with a command line tool that can be used as an external formatting engine in various XML editors or for batch-processing of XML files on your personal computer.

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xsl fo   |  xsl   |  fo   |  pdf   |  svg   |  xhtml   |  wordml   |  xml   |  xslt   |  .net   |  xml2pdf   |  css   |  html   

(XML Tools)

Xml2PDF Workstation 2.5
XSL-FO, SVG, XHTML and WordML to PDF formatting engine.
(All Categories)

1. FastSum Standard Edition
2. FastSum
3. Macromedia FreeHand MX
4. S15-Easy Shift Schedulers
5. S14-Task Schedulers
6. Smart Undelete
7. S16-Shift Calendar
8. PDF Split and Merge (PDFsam)
9. Medlin Accounting
10. S11-Floor Scheduler

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